
Thursday, December 12, 2019

The water project

here is a little paragraph to show why you should support the water project hope you.

pros ad cons about being a goat

Here are some pros and cons about being a goat (greatest of all time) I hope you like it.

spelling slide show

This is a spelling vocabulary that we did in are class here are some of the words we did.

My funny photo

This is a photo I made. Its me on a bird yelling here are the websites I used. I used Unsplash and if you want to make one go to those websites.

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Gender pay gap

This is my opinion on the gender pay gap and this is another teaser week task hope you enjoy.

Shelly Anne similes

Here are some similes for Shelly Anne the fastest female runner. You probably guest this is another teaser week task hope you like it.

BFG description

This is another teaser week task and in this one we had to make a description of the BFG hope you like it.

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

My pepeha

This is my Pepeha. This is another teaser week project I hope you like it. 

Teaser week

This is the teaser week task 1 for the summer learning journey thanks and bye.