
Monday, September 6, 2021

Meaning of words


For my Activity today I had to write down the meaning of words from an article about living in Antarctica. Hope you enjoy.  


  1. Kia ora Lucas,

    This is a very interesting blog post, there are a lot of uncommon words in this article. I like that you've kept your meanings nice and simple and you've clearly presented the information in the slide.

    How did you go about finding the meanings to these words? Was the article interesting to read?

    Next time if would be good if you could include a link to the article you have read so others can read the article and refer back to your meaning slide when they come across these words.

    Keep up the blogs!
    ~ Miss Mathieson

  2. hello Lucas, this is a great post because of how unique it is, this reminds me of the time I watched a documentary of people in Antarctica. Maybe next time you could put it into your own words, or make the words more simpler.
    I look forward to seing your next post.

  3. Hello Lucas,
    This is an amazing blog post.
    Where did you find all the information from?
    You have added a lot of information.
    Well done!
    -Sofiya :D

  4. Kia Ora Lucas,
    I really like this blog post because there is a lot of uncommen words.
    Maybe next time you could tell us where the words originated from.
    Did you know Antarctica is one of the closest countries to NZ

    Kind Regards Ritchie

  5. Hello Lucas,
    This is really helpful thank you. I actually used this in my writing so it was useful. I never knew some of those meaning, never less the words. Which word do you use the most?
    Keep up the good work!

  6. Kia Ora Lucas,
    This is a really interesting slideshow. There are a lot of words that I didn't even know existed! Which word was the most interesting word you found the meaning of?
    Have a good day.


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