
Friday, August 28, 2020

shoe tracing


This is my shoe tracing hope you enjoy


  1. Hello Lucas
    I extremely like your shoe trace. I like how you put all the correct parts in your shoe trace. How long did it take? It looks like it took a few minutes. Maybe next time add more words in your description. I also like how you put the word Adidas on the side of the shoe to tell the reader what kind of brand it is, also tell us what kind of shoe it is well done....

    1. Tank you for this comment it took me half and hour

  2. Hi Lucas I like your shoe tracing it was a lot better then the other one I like how you tried to put in all the detail of the shoe. Next time you tell us why you wanted to trace a shoe.

  3. Nice job Lucas. I like how you put the little tag on the back of the shoe. Maybe next time you could say why you did it. Whats your favorite brand of shoe and why? Keep up the good work, Bye.


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