
Friday, March 26, 2021

camp blog post

This is a blog I did on the activities we did at camp hope you enjoy


  1. Kia Ora Lucas,
    I really like the way you described lots about the photos and went deep into what you did.
    It reminded me of when I published my camp blog post.
    Maybe next time when you descibed why you did it you could add more writing. Other than that it's great

  2. Hi Lucas it's Brodie from Ahipara school. I like your slide about your camp maybe you could add a bit more writing when your explaining about things you did.

  3. Hello Lucas
    This blog post is very good at informing what you did at our hammner springs camp. Did you think about how not everyone might understand what you talk about. Especially about the groups for biking and orienteering.

  4. Hi Lucas

    This is amazing because I love the photos you used and the way you set your writing.
    I liked the detail you used in your writing and the punctuation you used.
    Mabe next time you can writre a bit more on each paragraph.
    This reminded me of when I was at my year six camp and I walked into the bathroom and my friend was singing in the shower.

  5. kia ora lucas
    i really like this blog post about camp. the thing i liked the most was how most of the photos had you in them but maybe next you could add more text about what the activity was.and next time maybe check your spelling there was a few spelling mistakes but that's alright.also what was your favourite activity?

  6. Hi Lucas,
    I like this blog post it really looks like you had so much fun with your friends and the photos shows us your perspective maybe next time you could add what your favourite activity is but all in all it's really good.


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