
Thursday, July 29, 2021

Olympic facts

For writing this week we have been make a D.L.O on the Olympics. What we did for this activity was google facts about the Olympics and put them on a google drawing.    


  1. Hello Lucas this was a pretty good blog post that you did about the Olympics I like haw you talked to us about facts that are about the Olympics too because it is good to know this stuff and I find this interesting. Next time you could say way you did this.

  2. Kia Ora Lucas,

    I really like this post because you have included a fact about most of the interesting sports and activities.
    Maybe next time you could tell us about the top 10 winners of the 2020 Olympics or past years.
    It was really interesting to find out about the youngest aged Olympian.
    What Is your favorite sport and person to compete in the Olympics.

    Kind Regards Ritchie(:

    1. Hello Ritchie,
      Thank you for commenting on my blog. My favorite sport in the Olympics is probably rugby. But my favorite Olympian/Paralympian is Sophie Pascoe.

    2. Kia Ora Lucas,
      Thank you for your reply.
      I am on the same boat as you with rugby as your favorite sport but I can't decide between Rugby, Bmx and Skateboarding.

      Sophie Pascoe is a amazing Olympian/Paralympic with her leg and still be able to be such a amazing swimmer.

      From: Ritchie

  3. Hi Lucas,
    This blog post describes a lot about the Olympics I have learnt so much about the records maybe next time you could add the worlds fastest record to run 100 and 200m sprint.
    Who is you favourite Nz Olympian. Good work

    1. Hello Riley,
      Thank you for commenting on my blog. My favorite Olympian is Sophie Pascoe. Thank you.

    2. My favourite part was the world fastest time to climb the wall. What was your favourite part?

  4. Hello Riley,
    Thank you for replying to my reply. My favorite sport to research on was probably Skate boarding. Thank you.


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