
Wednesday, September 23, 2020

chapter summary


I learnt how to write a chapter summary and write.

what we learnt while skiing

On Monday we went to porters for a skiing day it was fun.

Tuesday, September 22, 2020

Thursday, September 17, 2020

student summer 2020

 Today in class this morning we have been doing online workshops from the student summit 2020. For each workshop we did we had a google meet which was fun. I learnt about how to use canvas and it's feature. Also how to use the pixton comics to make cool and fun comics on your device. And for the last one I did I learnt how to use prezi to make a presentation. This is a comic we made on pixton I hope you enjoy.

Wednesday, September 16, 2020

is palm oil good or bad


This is a synthesis chart we did for writing. We did this on should palm oil still be allowed to be made. Hope you enjoy  

Tuesday, September 15, 2020

Maui piskel

This is a  piskel drawing I did of Maui. Piskel is like pixel art because it uses the same block style. Hope you enjoy.


Friday, September 11, 2020


 This is an image that I made for Tongan language week.

shoe tracing but with more things

This is my Nike Jordan's tracing. Hope you enjoy this took me almost an hour and a half. 

Tongan three course meal


This is my three course Tongan meal with no desert. I hope you enjoy

Wednesday, September 9, 2020

Nike String Art

This is my string art for the Art Exhibition. In this blog post I'm going to take you through the steps. First off, we had to come up with are design so firstly we drew our design on paper. The next step was to figure out what colors you wanted it to be. Next we had to draw our designs on the wood which was hard and if you made a mistake it's bad. Next we painted the background or anything around it. Finally we had to nail in the nails and put the wool on. That's how we made our string art. 


Thursday, September 3, 2020

Why punctuation is so important



This is a book I made on 'Why punctuation is so important'. 
My favorite punctuation is full stops because without full stops there are no sentences.
The reason we made this is so you can see why punctuation is so so important. In this blog post you will see why this is so important. Hope you enjoy.

Tuesday, September 1, 2020

blog post analysis


This is a graph showing how many blog post I have done this year and last year. We also put our monthly blog post average.