
Wednesday, September 23, 2020

what we learnt while skiing

On Monday we went to porters for a skiing day it was fun.


  1. Hi Lucas,
    I really like your background for the porters heights.I really like how you learn how to turn by your self, that show that you can do anything without peoples help. Although it might be rude. Anyways this reminded me of this painting that my sister did, she painted to snow look alike thing. Maybe next time you could add more to what you did just so that is will make it more fun to read. Anyways good job.

  2. Helo Lucas I liked how you explained everything we did to get ready and what we did to learn like stopping and turning except your instructor didn't teach you that. When i went on this medium slop i went super fast then skidded down the end. nice post.

  3. Hi Lucas
    This is actually really cool it looks so fun and its also cool that you learnt something new maybe next time you could decorate you're slide a little more since its very bland and you could also tell the audience how you did these things.

  4. Hi Lucas that was so fun wish we could do that again and it was funny when we got stuck together on the beginners slope and then i help you and tonga on the BIG slope it was funny when tonga went so fast it was so funny that i fell over


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