
Tuesday, September 15, 2020

Maui piskel

This is a  piskel drawing I did of Maui. Piskel is like pixel art because it uses the same block style. Hope you enjoy.



  1. Hi I am Lucas from lochiel school I like your pixil art I will like to see more pixil art I have never made pixil art but it looks cool.

  2. Hi Lucas I like your act good bye.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Kai Ora Lucas I like your pixel art It has alot of detail I like how you added the spear to the picture

  5. Impressive Maui Lucas.
    For a man who's tough like Maui it's kind of a cute way to draw him.
    Was there a problem drawing him because I remember seeing him with a longer body instead of a skinny body?


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