
Monday, June 14, 2021

My Weekend

This is a slide show I did on my weekend. I know my weekend wasn't that exciting but I hope you enjoy.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Dia Dhuit (Hello) Lucas,
    I like this post because you are very descriptive with your language in this piece of writing.

    This reminded me of when I had a very long weekend and when I visited my nana then went down south to Cromwell and Queenstown.

    Maybe next time you could reread your story because I found a few spelling mistakes and errors.

    Where did you play rugby and what is your number and position?

    Kind Regards Ritchie (:

    1. Hello Ritchie,
      Thank you for your comment and yes I did fix my spelling mistakes. I played at queens park in park lands and I play prop and my number is 11. What did you do on the weekend?

    2. Hello Lucas,
      Thanks for replying.
      On the weekend I went with my Granddad to the Amberly beach and went for a walk then I rode my skatepark.

  3. Hi Lucas,
    I really like how you said "I though I was going to die" to descripe how much pain you were in when you ate too much, but not in a weird way. This reminds me of when I went to see my Dad play against Burnside. Maybe next time you could add a picture of your rugby team playing or something like that. What was your favourite part of playing against Parklands?

  4. Kia Ora Lucas,
    That's unfortunate that you lost 100-7. Did you know that I actually play for park-lands for soccer. You had some good descriptive writing. Maybe next time you could tell us what position you played in.

  5. Hi Lucas,
    This blog post is cool but when you said you got a piece of paper what was on the paper.I like how you said it felt like I was going to die makes us know you were in pain with out telling us you were.Were did you play you rugby game?


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