
Tuesday, May 25, 2021

9 Tui facts


Kia ora, In this blog post you will see 9 Tui facts. We did this task for reading. Hope you enjoy.


  1. Kia Ora Lucas,
    I like this blog post because it tell's me all about Tui's and all the interesting facts about the bird. I like the way that you formatted it and laid everything out. Next time you can go over your writing and check your grammar and spelling.

  2. Kia ora Lucas
    I liked your 9 facts about tui's. It was so intresting to know what they do and stuff nice job hope you do more. Next time put a p;icture of the tui in it.
    Was it fun?
    How long dif it take you to do?
    From Tama belfast school

  3. Kia ora Lucas,
    I really enjoyed looking at these nine facts.But I noticed a few mistakes.Most of these facts I didn't know how. were did you find this did a great job.

  4. Hello Lucas.
    I didn't know tuis could mimic other birds! That's really interesting.
    Maybe next time you could do the facts on a slide so its easier to read?
    Do you like tuis?


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