
Wednesday, August 25, 2021

Making Dinner

last Night I made dinner for the family. I made a Thai green curry with kumara and spinach on rice.

1. you need to prep your food by cutting the kumara, spinach and chicken.
2. put about 2 and half cups of rice to boiling water and stir to stop the rice from sticking 
3. Next put a bit of oil in the pan and start to cook the chicken.
4. once the chicken is almost or cooked at the Thai green chili paste and mix it.
5. once incorporated at the kumara spinach and coconut cream to the pan and mix.
6. now let it simmer till the kumara is cooked.
7. plate up and enjoy.     

Tuesday, August 24, 2021

Paralympics theme song

This is a theme song I created for for the Paralympics. This song was created using chrome music lab. I really hope you enjoy. 

Tuesday, August 3, 2021

Armenia advertisement


This is a activity we did for the winter learning journey. The activity was you had to pick a country you knew nothing about then make an advertisement on that country I chose Armenia. Hope you enjoy. 

Hitting the target mood map


In this blog post I do a mood map on the story hitting the target. The whole point of this activity is to learn the mood created by a key event in a story. Hope you enjoy