
Tuesday, August 24, 2021

Paralympics theme song

This is a theme song I created for for the Paralympics. This song was created using chrome music lab. I really hope you enjoy. 


  1. Hello Lucas!
    I really like this theme song. it's quite cute.
    What made you come up with this?
    Maybe next time you could put in a video of you making the song?
    Overall, great job!
    -Sofiya :))

  2. Hi Lucas, that's a really catchy wee tune! I haven't used Music Lab before - is it easy to use? Why was this the tune you choose for the Paralympics? Maybe you could give us some more details about it. Keep up the great work!
    -Mrs Hobbs

  3. Hello Lucas
    I like your theme song that you made it was really cool and what did make you come up with? Next time you could write why you wanted to do it and if you don't know who I am I am Tonga.

  4. Kia Ora Lucas,
    This is good because it has a good tune to it it really catches you in maybe next time you give us a bit more of a description of your work but anyways this is really good

  5. Hi Lucas,

    I think your song is really cool. I can feel the happy vibe you brought into it. If you can get it played in the Paralympics one day, how would you like it to be played? Which instruments would you like to use?

    Miss Helen

  6. This is a great post because of how creative it is, this reminds me of the time I listened to Josh's one. Maybe next time you could add a description on how long this took you. I look forward to seing your next post.


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