
Thursday, September 2, 2021



Yesterday I read a few books to my sister for RAK day. The book was The Three Little Pigs. Keep spreading the kindness.


  1. That is very thoughtful and kind!

  2. Kia ora Lucas,

    What a lovely brother you are! I am sure your sister loves when you read stories to her. Did she get to choose the story or did you?
    How often do you read to your sister?

    Keep up the great work!

    Miss Rogers :)
    Awhi Token

  3. Kia ora Lucas,

    What a great way to celebrate RAK day, your sister looks like she really enjoyed it! I like that you've included a picture of you doing the kindness act too, ka pai!

    Do you read to your sister often? How old is your sister?

    Keep it up!
    ~ Miss Mathieson

  4. Kia Ora Lucus,
    What a great idea to read some books to your sister, she must have really appreciated your Random act of kindness.
    This reminded me of a time I read to my sister.
    Maybe next time you could say what RAK means.
    Kind Regards
    Caitlin, School Council.

  5. You are such a good big brother Lucas! I bet your sister really enjoyed spending time with you. Do you read to her often?
    - Mrs Hobbs

  6. kia ora Lucas
    I like how you take the time to read to your sister and it was the three little pigs and another thing I like is that you told us what book it was. Next time you should tell us what rak means.

  7. Hi Lucas,
    Great to see this photo of you and your sister sharing reading time together. Do you have a favorite book you both like to read?
    Good on you for taking the time to read with your little sister.
    Have a great day.
    Take Care From Ange

  8. Hi Lucas,
    Great to see u as a older brother helping your sister with her reading.
    Maybe over time you could do more books and make the book harder each time.
    What is your sisters favorite book?
    Kind Regards Ritchie (;

  9. Kia ora Lucas, this is a great post because of how kind you were, this reminds me of the time I helped my sister read. Maybe next time you could add in what "RAK" means. I look forward to seing your next post.

  10. Hi Lucas,
    I really like this blog post because you added a picture.
    Maybe next time you could tell us about this RAK day because i no nothing about it.
    I like how you told a about the book your read.
    Have you read that book before?
    From Amani.

  11. Hello Lucas.
    How nice of you to read to your sister.
    Did she enjoy spending time with you?
    For RAK Day, I told my family how much I love them.
    Keep up the great work!
    -Sofiya :D

  12. Kia ora Lucas,
    I thought this was really thoughtful and kind for your little sister.
    I'm not quite sure what RAK day is but i'm sure it has to do with reading because of the R.
    Kind Regards

  13. Hi Lucas,
    That was really nice of you to read a book to your sister. Maybe you could tell us what RAK means and what you sister thought about the book the you read her. But anyways good work.


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