
Thursday, November 12, 2020



These are one of my shoes that I did before but I made it better. Hope you enjoy


  1. Cool shoe Lucas.
    I love the color.
    How did you trase it onto a shoe image?

  2. Kia Ora Lucas,
    I like you drawing what did you trase it on?
    Maybe next time you could add more coulor.
    From Amani:)

  3. Kia Ora Lucas,
    This is cool, Did you use google drawings to create this?
    Next time you could add more color and do a different shoe.

  4. Kia Ora Lucas,
    I liked the way you made it look perfectly like the real shoe.
    How come you did black and grey ones when you could have done any color combo.
    Did you get a picture of the real shoe and trace the shapes onto the computer.

    Kind Regards Ritchie (:

  5. hey lucas maybe next time you could add a bright color like white

  6. Cool shoe Lucas.
    I love it.
    Next time you can add nothing else because it's so sweet.
    how did you get the idea to draw the shoe?

  7. that shoe looks 🔥 I really like how detailed the shoe is.but maybe you can tell us what the name is.also how did you think of the idea to trace a shoe?


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