
Thursday, November 12, 2020

what I would bring on a holiday

This is a google drawing on what I would bring to Australia for a holiday. Hope you enjoy.


  1. hi Lucas
    is that all the things you would bring what about spear clothes and a hat because you will get sun burnt next time .Think what you really need

  2. hi Lucas I like what you thought about putting in all your stuff you need to go to Australia. Next time you could put in some money so you can by stuff while your their.

  3. Hi Lucas,

    I really like how you showed us what's in your suitcase. I really like your drawing and how you added some clothes and sunglasses.
    Maybe next time you could add more clothes and make the suitcase bigger so more stuff could fit in it. And add more to your blurb.

  4. Only one pair of every thing! Anyway Hi Lucas I like the drawing of your suit case I like how you put a lot of detail into this drawing. How long did it take you to make? Maybe next time add more cloths and make the suit case bigger and add more detail into your blurb..

  5. Hi Lucas, I really like how you showed us what's in your suitcase. And I like what you have and this is really good, But im struggling to now why you have done this. Other than that good job.


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