
Thursday, November 5, 2020

what shoe is it?


This is another one of my shoe tracings. But here is a question to you can you guess what shoe it is. 


  1. Nice Trace Lucas I like the design and time you put into this trace. I know the name of this shoe... Phantom 258 I also like the color and the leg coming out of the shoe like a real person. next time add some more detail in your description.

    1. sorry the real name of the shoe is phantom release 258# X9X

  2. Phantom Release 258# X9X thats the name of the shoe and nice trace you should get the shoes they are really comfy and look cool. i dont think theres anything wrong with this trace just mire description would be good

    1. nice job on knowing the shoe name cough it's not like you own them cough cough


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