
Thursday, November 26, 2020

what plants need to survive


This is a video I did on what plants need to survive. I used Biteable to make the video. 


  1. Nice job Lucas. I like how you put pictures of the thing you where talking about. Maybe you could put in a different picture for the fourth one because it make's the writing hard to read. What is your favorite thing a plant needs? Keep up the good work,Bye.

  2. Hi Lucas I like your slide show about what plants need to live I like how you put pictures words and a we song in there too. Next time you could make the words a little bit easier to see.

  3. Helo Lucas I like the style of this an the music it good. something i noticed was when your were saying about the temperature you spelt it tempruture.

  4. Hi Lucas I really like how you presented your creation. I also like the main parts of what a plant needs to stay alive. How long did it take you to do? And next time make sure you re read your sentences. Because some do not make sense. well done

  5. Hello Lucas!
    I really like that video, It looks amazing!
    Was that app hard to use? And are you proud of your work?
    Overall, Great Job!


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