
Wednesday, August 25, 2021

Making Dinner

last Night I made dinner for the family. I made a Thai green curry with kumara and spinach on rice.

1. you need to prep your food by cutting the kumara, spinach and chicken.
2. put about 2 and half cups of rice to boiling water and stir to stop the rice from sticking 
3. Next put a bit of oil in the pan and start to cook the chicken.
4. once the chicken is almost or cooked at the Thai green chili paste and mix it.
5. once incorporated at the kumara spinach and coconut cream to the pan and mix.
6. now let it simmer till the kumara is cooked.
7. plate up and enjoy.     


  1. Afternoon Lucas,

    This looks delicious! Great job making dinner, I'm sure your family would've appreciated this greatly. Do you cook very often? You look like a very experienced chef!

    - Miss Mathieson

  2. Hi Lucas,
    That looks good. I think that your mum would be happy that she didn't have to cook tonight. Maybe next time you could tells us what it tasted like or how long it took you to cook it. Nice work.

  3. Kia ora lucas,

    It is great to see you have been cooking for your whanau! I am sure your mum loved having you help in the kitchen. Did everyone enjoy your Thai Curry? Is there anything you would do differently when you cook this again?
    I wonder if we could make this at school or for BelFeast. How much of each ingredient do you think we would need?

    Keep up the great work, Lucas! I look forward to seeing what you cook next!

    Miss Rogers :)

    Awhi Token

  4. Kia ora Lucas - this is just lovely to see & read. Well done! I'm sure your family appreciated this & also the adult who usually cooks tea in your house. I love how you have included the steps in your blog post & added some photos. Well set out. Maybe next time you could tell us the amounts of each ingredient. Would you cook it again? It looked absolutely delicious. Cooking is such a great skill to know. Keep up the fabulous home learning. Jen TA (Awhi below)
    Awhi Token

  5. Hi Lucas!
    How have u been?
    The food that you made looks delicious!
    Did your family enjoy eating it?
    I also like how you added steps to making the food.
    Did you make the recipe up yourself? Or did you find it in a recipe book?
    Overall, great work!
    -Sofiya :))

  6. Kia Ora Lucas,
    The food looks amazing it is making me hungry just by looking at it. I like how you added in how to make it as well also how often do you cook?

  7. Hi Lucas,
    What a star you are cooking dinner for your family! I like the photos you have added. You look happy to be in the kitchen. And the meal looks delicious. I'm wondering what other recipes you have in mind for this week?
    Keep making the most of your family time.
    Take Care
    From Ange

  8. Kia Ora Lucas,
    You did a dam good job making that curry as it looks amazing!
    Nice work on putting all the instructions on your post as well.
    Did you enjoy making this?
    I find that cumin and turmeric work well in curries.
    Have a good one-Luca,

  9. Kia Ora Lucas,
    This curry looks amazing! I like how you added a recipe to your post so then other people can try cooking this great dish! Who did you have your yummy dinner with? Did they like it? Did you like it? Anyways have a Great day Lucas!

  10. kia ora Lucas you did a real good job on making dinner for your family it did look very good to another thing I like about this is that you showed us the recipe and how you did it step by step to so know i can make it for my self.

  11. Hello Lucas,
    That curry looks really delicious,and the rice looks like it has cooked properly. One thing that I am not that sure about is the ingredients, because using kumara in a Thai green curry isn't really a common ingredient, maybe it is just the way you make it. Anyways it looks delicious. Keep up the good work.

    1. Hello Bill,
      Thank you for commenting on my blog. I have a question for you. What is your favourite thing to cook at home? Thank you.


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