
Monday, November 8, 2021

My weekend


This is what I did on the weekend. Hope you enjoy.

Monday, September 6, 2021

Meaning of words


For my Activity today I had to write down the meaning of words from an article about living in Antarctica. Hope you enjoy.  

Thursday, September 2, 2021



Yesterday I read a few books to my sister for RAK day. The book was The Three Little Pigs. Keep spreading the kindness.

Wednesday, August 25, 2021

Making Dinner

last Night I made dinner for the family. I made a Thai green curry with kumara and spinach on rice.

1. you need to prep your food by cutting the kumara, spinach and chicken.
2. put about 2 and half cups of rice to boiling water and stir to stop the rice from sticking 
3. Next put a bit of oil in the pan and start to cook the chicken.
4. once the chicken is almost or cooked at the Thai green chili paste and mix it.
5. once incorporated at the kumara spinach and coconut cream to the pan and mix.
6. now let it simmer till the kumara is cooked.
7. plate up and enjoy.     

Tuesday, August 24, 2021

Paralympics theme song

This is a theme song I created for for the Paralympics. This song was created using chrome music lab. I really hope you enjoy. 

Tuesday, August 3, 2021

Armenia advertisement


This is a activity we did for the winter learning journey. The activity was you had to pick a country you knew nothing about then make an advertisement on that country I chose Armenia. Hope you enjoy. 

Hitting the target mood map


In this blog post I do a mood map on the story hitting the target. The whole point of this activity is to learn the mood created by a key event in a story. Hope you enjoy  

Thursday, July 29, 2021

Olympic facts

For writing this week we have been make a D.L.O on the Olympics. What we did for this activity was google facts about the Olympics and put them on a google drawing.    

Thursday, July 8, 2021

strategies I can use.


This slide will teach you different ways to figure out questions. We did this activity for maths. This took me about 3 weeks hope you enjoy. 

Wednesday, June 23, 2021

Helping our planet


This is an activity  I did on helping our planet. This task was for reading and I talk about what we can do to help the planet. Hope you enjoy!

Monday, June 14, 2021

My Weekend

This is a slide show I did on my weekend. I know my weekend wasn't that exciting but I hope you enjoy.

Tuesday, May 25, 2021

9 Tui facts


Kia ora, In this blog post you will see 9 Tui facts. We did this task for reading. Hope you enjoy.

Thursday, May 20, 2021

Short Sentences

 As I walked into the room my legs were jello. My vision is doubled and my heartbeat quickens. I’m too scared to even look in the corner of the room, even looking behind me is impossible. It's like I have broken my neck and I can’t turn it. My lungs are frozen, it's like I have inhaled water. Then it happens. I see him. I freeze. I want to run but I can't. My heart is in my stomach. It's horrible. Then I unfreeze, my legs collapse like a building in an earthquake. The struggle of trying to get up is impossible. I see the tall dark figure walk towards me. I know this is the end. I close my eyes and willingly let him take my life.

Hello, Kia ora, Привет, 你好, Hallo, こんにちは.

Our Learning Intention this week was to deepen our understanding of descriptive language by creating feelings for our reader, such as empathy. We also looked into the effects of short sentences. We got our ideas from the movie Marley and me which made us feel sad.  

Tuesday, May 18, 2021

BEDMAS explanation


In this video I teach you about BEDMAS. I hope you learn something new and enjoy.

road safety video


In this video I teach you how to cross the road probably. Hope you enjoy.

Wednesday, May 12, 2021

MY name in NZSL


In this video I tell you how to spell my name in NZSL. IF you want comment and tell me to spell your name. Hope you enjoy.

NZSL Alphabet Screencastify


This is a screencastify that will teach you the NZSL alphabet. Hope you enjoy.

Thursday, May 6, 2021

Pros and cons of the trans-Tasman and The cook island travel bubble

This is a pros and cons list I did on the trans-Tasman bubble and The cook island bubble. Hope you enjoy!

Wednesday, May 5, 2021

Skydiving Story

 The engines roaring like a lion asserting its dominance. My ears are starting to pop then it happens the pop sounds like a gun shot. The doors open and the instructor calls me over the regret and the anxiousness kicks in. The countdown begins then we jump the feeling of falling is a weird sensation the air is thin like a piece of paper and it's hard to breathe. The parachute pulls and then there was a sigh of relief. The ground was slowly getting closer but then I heard a rip...

This is my story I did for writing on what it would feel like to go skydiving. Can you please give me some ideas on how to finish the story. I hope you enjoy.  

Thursday, April 15, 2021

Formal letter


In this video I teach you how to write a formal letter to someone and this was my activity for this week hope you enjoy.

Thursday, April 8, 2021

equivalent fractions.


This is my video on explaining equivalent fractions hope you enjoy. 

Thursday, April 1, 2021

The importance of COB


Hey guys in this screen castify I talk about why it is important to comment On you Whanua blogs. 

Friday, March 26, 2021

camp blog post

This is a blog I did on the activities we did at camp hope you enjoy

Thursday, March 25, 2021

Manu characterisation

 For our writing activity we had to characterise Manu from the story Way finder. First we had to draw a picture of Manu then we had to list the characterisations of the picture I drew. Then our buddy had to make a google drawing of that picture and add the characterisation of what we wrote. This is what my buddy drew.   

These are the characterisations I got him to do:
Big hands
Big feet
Spiky fingers
Neck muscles 
Funny smile 

Wednesday, March 24, 2021

turning fractions to decimals


In this screencastify I explain how to turn fractions into decimals. Hope you enjoy.

Tuesday, March 23, 2021

15 of march Americas cup

 These are 10 questions about the Americas cup and this is how I came up with them. First of we had to read a article about the history of the Americas cup. Then we had to think about questions that the teacher could search the article for the answers. Hope you enjoy